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Winter Garden Little League

Winter Garden Little League


WGLL's most Frequently Asked Questions (read below for answers) 

Q:  What do I do if I have a question about Winter Garden Little League Baseball?

A:   If you cannot find your answer below, email your question to the appropriate Board Member from the website.  Click here for a list of our Board of Directors and corresponding responsibilities:   LIST OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Q:  What are the Boundaries?

A:  Little League International restricts us from registering participants from outside our established boundaries.  Click the following link from the WGLL Info tab for specific boundary information and directions: WGLL BOUNDARIES

Q: Where are the WGLL Fields located?

A: The WGLL Fields can be found at 425 S. Park Ave, Winter Garden FL.

Q:  What is my child’s “League Age” and what are the Divisions?

A:  Click here for the League Age Calculator:  LEAGUE AGE CALCULATOR.

•    4-5  Tee Ball 

•    6        Single A

•    7-8        Rookies

•    9-10         Minors

•    11-12     Majors

•    11-13        Intermediate

•    13-14     Juniors

•  15-16     Seniors


Q:  If my child has never played before or if I have a “safety” concern regarding him/her playing in a specific division, what do I do?

A1:  Please discuss your concerns with a Board member at registration. 

A2:  If your concerns arise after they have been placed with a team, please discuss with your child’s Manager, the League President or Player Agent.  Safety is always our biggest concern for all players.  There are, however, age requirements/restrictions set in place by “Little League International”, our league’s governing body, and we will do our best to come up with a suitable solution for your player.  


Q:  Does my child need to attend evaluations?

A1:  Tee Ball and Single A players DO NOT attend evaluations. They will be placed on teams.

A2:  All LEAGUE AGE 7 year olds and above playing in Rookie ball or higher ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND EVALUATIONS.  Please check the WGLL website for the scheduled date/time of evaluations.


Q:  What equipment does my child need and what does the League provide?

A1:  The League will provide a cap, jersey, belt and socks. For the Fall season we will NOT provide pants.

A2:  Your player will need their own glove and athletic supporters/protective cups are required for all “male” players in Rookie and above.  Cleats are recommended for all ages. 

A3: Recommended shopping lists are below:
1. Glove
2. Baseball Pants (White/Gray)
3. TBall Bat
4. Batting Helmet
5. Baseball Bag (Optional but recommended)
6. Cleats (Optional but recommended)

Single A:
1. Glove
2. Baseball Pants (White/Gray/Black) - The manager will select the pant color
3. USA Bat
4. Batting Helmet
5. Baseball Bag (Optional but recommended)
6. Cleats
7. Batting Gloves (Optional but recommended)

Rookie and Above:
1. Glove
2. USA Bat
3. Athletic Supporters/Protective Cup (Male Players)
4. Baseball Bag
5. Cleats (no metal cleats)
6. Batting Gloves (Optional but recommended)
7. Batting Helmet
8. Baseball Pants (White/Gray/Black) - The manager will select the pant color


Q:  Can I request a specific coach?

A1:  Only in the Tee Ball and Single A division, you may request a specific coach and/or request to play with another player.

A2:  All players in Rookie age players and above will be required to attend evaluations and will be selected in a “draft selection process”.  Rookie players and above CANNOT request a specific coach.


Q:  When will we be contacted by my child’s coach?

A:  Once the draft has been completed, usually within a week after evaluations, you will be contacted by your child’s Manager.


Q:  How many practices and games will I have per week?

A:  Generally, you will have 1-2 practices and a game during the week in the Fall.  The Spring season generally includes 1-2 practices and two games per week, including Saturdays.

A: Practice dates and times are set by each individual team manager. Once teams are formed, your team manager will reach out to you with details on how the season will go for practices. 

A: Game dates and times are set by the league and are created after all teams are finalized. 


Q:  What days are practice and/or games?

A1:  PRACTICE - Times/location are chosen by your Manager.  Practice times/location will likely change once games have started due to field availability.  Players and parents MAY NOT request specific practice days/times/locations.

A2:  GAMES - Schedules are distributed to team Managers once completed, usually two weeks after evaluations.  Managers will distribute the game schedule to their teams.   Game days/times will vary season to season depending on the number of teams. TBall games are always on Saturday mornings. Times will vary from week to week.


Q:  Is attendance at practices required?

A1:  Yes.  Practices are usually held the same day/time each week so please plan accordingly. 

A2:  Attendance at practice will play an important part of your player’s development and team’s cohesiveness.  Due to time constraints there is minimal opportunity for player development during games.  Practice time is invaluable and is where Managers and Coaches will teach and better develop your player’s skills.  It will be in your player’s best interest to attend as many practices as possible.  We understand that things come up that may prevent you from making every practice, but players are expected to attend the majority of all scheduled practices.  It is difficult to develop players and a team if you can not run drills and run a practice having enough players available to field a team.  Managers may use attendance in practice as a method of determining game playing time.  Meeting with the coach at the beginning of the season to bring up any conflicts, can help to avoid any potential issues from occurring during the season.  


Q:  What are the rules regarding playing time?

A:  Each division has specific guidelines regarding “player participation”.  These guidelines are posted on the WGLL website under the “Ground Rules” tab and are subject to change at the league’s discretion.  Managers may choose to limit a player’s “playing time” in the event that the player is not regularly attending practice. Players are expected to attend scheduled practices.  Click here for Ground Rules:  GROUND RULES


Q:  Why do parents have to volunteer in the concession stand?

A:  Winter Garden Little League is a volunteer organization.  The success of the league is ENTIRELY based on community involvement, and that includes you.  The Board of Directors, Managers and Coaches are all volunteers that give an average of 75+ hours of their personal time each season to make this league a success.  The concession stand helps raise needed money for the league to maintain the facilities and purchase necessary equipment.  We ask parents to help run the concession stand to keep our operating costs down and include you as part of the league’s success.  

Q:  Can my child play up a Division because we feel that their level of play is better than the Division they are slated for?

A1:  In Tee Ball and Single A, players may be moved up if their level of play is such that it is warranted, as determined by the league.  

A2:  Rookie, Minors, and Majors Divisions players will play in their required age Division.  Moving players up weakens the Division level they are moving from, making those WGLL Divisions not as competitive for District play.   It also does not allow those players in the lower Division, to play with, and thus benefit from the “more advanced” players higher level of play.    


Q:  How do you become a Board Member?  

A:  If you are interested in becoming a Board Member please contact the League President or any of the Board of Directors to discuss your interest and the responsibilities of being a Board Member.  We are always looking for parents to join the Board of Directors to help WGLL remain one of the top Little League programs in the district.   


Q:  Are Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Team Moms, etc. compensated?

A1:  NO!  WGLL is run by volunteers who are NOT compensated in any way, shape or form.  The League’s success is entirely dependent on the above mentioned group of people who donate their personal time to help make WGLL one of the top programs in the area.  They pay the same registration fees, volunteer in the concession stand when it’s their turn, and get satisfaction from knowing that their efforts support our community and a great cause…WGLL!!!

A2:  If you like the way our League is run, thank every Board Member, Manager/Coach, Team Mom and volunteer that you see.  If you have suggestions or ideas about how to make WGLL even better, please share them directly with us and consider becoming a Board Member.  We’d love an opportunity to improve our League with your help.  


Q:  Where does the money we pay for registration go? 

A:  Winter Garden Little League is a non-profit organization.  Registration fees are used for a number of things.  A few items included in this list are: team equipment, field maintenance, uniforms, player insurance, Little League Organization Charter Fees and more. 


Q:  Do siblings automatically get put on the same team?

A1:  Unless we get a parent request to split siblings playing in the same league, YES, we will have siblings play on the same team.  

A2:  If the sibling’s ages place them in different divisions, depending on their evaluation scores, they will play in different divisions. Players will not be moved up or down a Division in order to keep the siblings together. 


Q:  What if my child plays other team sports, or is involved in other outside activities.  Can they still play in WGLL?

A1:  Yes.  We understand that many of our WGLL players are also involved in other team sports, school activities, etc.  These activities usually require a time consuming commitment,  WGLL also requires a commitment.  

A2:  We ask that you use your best judgment when it comes to practices and games and discuss with your WGLL Managers as well as other coaches or leaders at the beginning of the season.  Most OUTSIDE ACTIVITY coaches or leaders will not expect you to miss a Little League game to attend OUTSIDE ACTIVITY practices or games.  Practice time conflicts will need to be worked out between the parent and Managers at the beginning of each season.    

A3:  Because a player chooses to be involved in more than one baseball organization at the same time, we hope it allows them to become better players. These players only make our WGLL more competitive and stronger for District play.  For WGLL players involved in other baseball programs, please be aware of pitch restrictions for your player’s age level.  The restrictions are in place for the player’s safety, which will always be our biggest concern.      

Q: What bats are approved for use in WGLL?

A: Please check the following link for a list of approved bats:  APPROVED BATS

Q: What is the intermediate division?

A: This division is for League Age 11 - 13. The division will be played on a 50/70 field (50' mound/70' bases). The kids will be able to lead off and steal, just like in major league baseball. The games will be played against other Intermediate teams in the area. Kids are allowed to play in dual divisions, if they want. 



Winter Garden Little League
13900 CR 455, Suite 107 #500
Clermont, Florida 34711

Email: [email protected]

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